Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
B.A., Boston University

Distinguished Professor of Psychology 
University of California, Santa Cruz
Office: Room 355 Social Sciences 2

Campbell Leaper is a developmental and social psychologist investigating gender and sexism during development. His research program investigates the behaviors, attitudes, self-concepts, and social-interactive contexts that create gender divisions in people’s lives from childhood into adulthood—and perpetuate systemic gender inequalities in society.

Themes addressed in Professor Leaper's research projects: sexist attitudes in relationships; gender-based discrimination and academic motivation; ethnic-racial identity and gender attitudes; and gender-related variations in communication in family and peer contexts. (Please go to his Research page for more information about past and ongoing projects in his Gender Development Research Lab.) 

Professor Leaper is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, a Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, a Member of the Society for Research in Child Development, and a Member of the Society for Research on Adolescence. Also, he is the recipient of the Golden Apple Teaching Award and the Martin Chemers Award for Outstanding Research. Furthermore, Professor Leaper was co-founder and organizer of the biennial Gender Development Research Conference (2001-2020). 

Professor Leaper advises and collaborates with graduate students in the developmental psychology program. For information on graduate and undergraduate students previously or currently working with Professor Leaper, please go to the links to his Students and Photos pages. 

You can make a tax-deductible donation to support Professor Leaper's research and his students at this LINK

Recent Publications

Current or former graduate advisees in bold Click on title for link to article Also, see Publications page. Copies of most papers are available on ResearchGate or by request. 

In the News